
In the area of violent crimes, the act of murder is perhaps the most significant and serious crime anyone can be accused and charged with. Whether deliberately or by a dreadful mistake, the action of taking another individual’s life is prosecuted and punished forcefully, with your life literally being on the line. You need to immediately contact a Criminal Defense Attorney , as a conviction of murder in the State of California can send you to prison for the rest of your life.

The charge of murder falls under different categories such as:

  • Premeditated or first degree murder
  • Second Degree murder, not considered intentional
  • What is called a lawful killing – such as an act by police or yourself in a serious or life-threatening situation

The penalties are severe for a murder conviction, ranging from 15 years to life in prison. The State of California is one of the 35 other states that still, depending on the evidence and severity of the murder conviction, hand down the death penalty. With your freedom and possibly your life at stake, it is crucial to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer on your side. The Carash Law Firm will give you quality legal representation in fighting a murder charge that has been leveled against you.

Our initial consultation allows you to come in and discuss all your legal options in a non-stressful environment.

Call today to set up an appointment; we can help you fight your murder charges.